Top 07 Best Shopify Sales Popup Apps to Boost Sales in 2024

Popups are one of the most effective ways for Shopify companies to increase sales and develop their lists. That is why the Shopify App Store contains literally hundreds of pop-up apps.

We're not kidding: we looked up the word "popup" and found 566 results.

566 search results for "popup" on the Shopify App Store

But how can you determine which of these numerous pop-up applications is most appropriate? Fordeer picked the best sales-pop apps by checking the app store rating, the number of reviews, the app's top features, and other subjective characteristics. We hope this information aids you in your search for the finest app for your store.

Why Should You Use Popups in Your Online Store?

If you run an e-commerce store and don't utilize a popup, one of the greatest solutions you may employ is the exit-intent popup.

Of course, it is not required. However, given the possibility of spiking your conversions, adding popups to your website may be the ideal way to maximize your influence. The most basic objective of a popup is to deliver a strong call-to-action, which is exactly what you require.

There are numerous advantages to employing a popup app, such as advertising your store's best-selling items or offering special discounts to entice customers to buy.

Countdown popup is created by Fordeer: Sales Popup

Lead generation is also an important factor in your conversions. You no longer need to knock on your customers' doors and ask for their email addresses, thanks to popups!

For example, one of our customers was having problems acquiring new subscribers, and we were able to increase email grabs by 2,128% by using a sidebar opt-in form.

Almost 20 subscribers are obtained per day through personal tests on the Internet. It began receiving 130 emails per day after deploying a popup with specific showing criteria.

Don't undervalue the power of popup builders. As I've said a thousand times before, they're useful as long as they're used productively!

Top 07 Best Shopify Sales Popup Apps to Boost Sales in 2024

Hopefully, you have seen why using popups on your Shopify website will help your business.

The next step is to choose the best popup builder app to use. There are a plethora of them available in the Shopify app store. Here are the top seven that we can recommend.

EcomSend Pop Ups, Email Popups by Channelwill

One of the most difficult issues in e-commerce is determining how to gain more customers, and EcomSend Pop Ups, Email Popups puts it all at your fingertips. Discount popups to expand your email and SMS marketing lists, keep exit intent, and convert leads are fully customizable to match your brand.

Subscribers will be added to Shopify automatically, allowing EcomSend to be linked with any Shopify marketing program. EcomSend operates without a single line of code, right out of the box. Lastly, yet importantly, if you need any help, do not hesitate to contact them via online chat or email; they are available 24/7.

EcomSend Pop Ups, Email Popups by Channelwill

Key features:

  • Grow your email & SMS marketing list with opt-in pop-ups or email sign up forms.
  • Retain potential customers with exit intent or spin the wheel popup games.
  • Increase conversions with fully customizable pop-up discounts.
  • Customize the popup design to match your brand with an easy-to-use editor.
  • Integrate with any email marketing apps, like Klaviyo, Mailchimp, SMSBump, Privy

Ratings: 5.0/4,200 reviews

Pricing plans: Free

Rivo Popups ‑ Email Pop ups by Rivo

You may broaden your audience by encouraging visitors and customers to subscribe to your marketing list using Rivo Popups. With our simple design style editor, you can personalize the discount and pop-up window however you like.

Using the form display rules settings, you may control when and where your popup displays appear on your store. When a consumer enters their email address, the opt-ins are automatically added to your Shopify customer list for use in email marketing.

Rivo Popups ‑ Email Pop ups by Rivo

Key features:

  • Capture unlimited emails and build your customer list with a simple popup form
  • Design your popup form using our user-friendly style editor
  • Set specific popup timing, page display rules and manual or automatic discounts
  • Show a persistent sticky coupon bar to remind visitors to use their promotion
  • Use custom CSS code to add a unique look and feel, or import custom fonts

Ratings: 5.0/4,420 reviews

Pricing plans: Free

1Click Popup ‑ Pop up Window by World Choice Software

1Click Popup supports Shopify online stores in expanding their email lists and increasing revenues. Customize the appearance, content, and timing of your pop-up windows to target certain pages or goods.

With email pop ups and newsletter pop ups, you may segment your email list and send customized advertising. Increase user engagement by using discount and spin to win popups. Integrate with well-known email marketing systems such as Mailchimp and Klaviyo. A simple but effective method for growing your email list and increasing revenue.

1Click Popup ‑ Pop up Window by World Choice Software

Key features:

  • Create opt-in pop up windows in minutes with the visual editor & 30+ templates
  • Automatically generate unique, one-time-use discount codes or use existing
  • Segment your audience with tags & send more personalized emails
  • Automatically integrate with any email marketing app in Shopify App Store
  • Power features - Advanced targeting, Autoresponders, Double opt-in & much more!

Ratings: 5.0/130 reviews

Pricing plans: Free plan available/ 7-day free trial. From $7.99 to $69.99 per month

Fordeer: Sales Pop Up ‑ Popups by Fordeer Commerce

Fordeer Sales Popup solution with numerous options for promoting sales, building credibility, increasing revenue, and powering your store. This app will help you inspire visitors and use FOMO to increase conversion rates and revenues.

Moreover, the Fordeer popup tool helps you build trust by displaying real-time transactions and a visitor counter; discount popups to expand your email marketing list, keep exit intent; and convert leads that are entirely customizable to match your brand. Fordeer operates without the use of any code. Standing out in this category, Fordeer provides Shopify merchants with one of the most exceptional customer service.

Fordeer: Sales Pop Up ‑ Popups by Fordeer Commerce

Key features:

  • Collect your email marketing list with opt-in pop-ups or email sign-up forms;
  • Display easily discounts, vouchers, and fully customize pop-ups to match your brand;
  • Work instantly with any other app or theme. No coding needed!;
  • Show Recent Purchases, Sales Pop-ups, Visitor Counter to build trust with social proof;
  • Track campaign metrics, impressions, clicks and more.
Fordeer: Sales Pop Up ‑ Popups by Fordeer Commerce

Ratings: 5.0/168 reviews

Pricing plans: Free

Pop Convert ‑ Pop Ups, Banners by CartKit

You may boost your subscriber base by exhibiting pop ups, banners, and smart bars; asking for phone or email; adding webhooks; and enhancing sales with Pop Convert Pop Ups, Banners.

Do you want to increase traffic to a specific URL? No worries. You can design campaigns to direct traffic to the section of your store that you require. You can also improve communication with your customers by making your own smart announcements. They appear and feel like they belong in your store.

Pop Convert ‑ Pop Ups, Banners by CartKit

Key features:

  • Smart Bars to show specific and important information all the time
  • Pop Ups to capture leads, announce a new coupon, or just shoot a message
  • Share a coupon, an announcement, or drive traffic to a special link
  • Fully customizable styles for all pop ups, smart bars, and more
  • Drag n' Drop editor to create any combination you want with your widgets

Ratings: 4.9/4,460 reviews

Pricing plans: Free

BON: Loyalty Rewards Referral by BON Loyalty

During the holiday season, you had a large surge of customers, but no one stayed? BON: Loyalty Rewards Referral is the answer: infinite rewards for members, a robust referral network, VIP tiers, and more. Everything, including the loyalty widget, page, email, and content, may be customized to represent your business.

Changed your mind about Smile, Joy, Rivo, Growave, LoyaltyLion, or Yotpo? BON's customer service is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to facilitate a smooth transition. Furthermore, your thoughts are valued! They continually optimize in-app features depending on your comments.

BON: Loyalty Rewards Referral by BON Loyalty

Key features:

  • Motivate repeat purchases by rewarding points to online & POS customers
  • Fully-customized rewards with expiry dates, available to combine discounts
  • Showcase 250+ languages simultaneously for loyalty widget and automated emails
  • Advanced features with affordable prices (loyalty page, point expiry, VIP Tiers)
  • Guarantee a fast page speed by seamlessly integrating with Shopify

Ratings: 4.9/1,204 reviews

Pricing plans: Free plan available/ 3-day free trial. From $25 to $349 per month

OptiMonk: Popup, CRO, A/B Test by OptiMonk

OptiMonk has highly effective popup functionalities. The feature-rich popup builder allows you to create eye-catching popups that convert well and will not irritate your site visitors.

OptiMonk: Popup, CRO, A/B Test by OptiMonk

It's no surprise that it has nearly 800 5-star reviews on the Shopify app! Let us take a deeper look at some of its features.

Key features:

  • Ecommerce popups: cart saver, email capture, gamification & free shipping bar
  • AI-generated popups: personalized based on user behavior or traffic source
  • A/B testing: fully-automated, AI-assisted testing with full user control
  • No-code landing page personalization: auto-tailor any text to your visitors
  • Product page optimization: upgrade all pages with AI-powered, personalized copy

Ratings: 4.9/847 reviews

Pricing plans: Free plan available. From $39 to $249 per month

To wrap up,

Including eye-catching, well-timed popups on your Shopify website can help you increase sales and conversions.

All you have to do is choose one of the finest Shopify popup applications from this list and get started.

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👉 Fordeer, which is a software agency founded in October 2022, is so honored to strive with the mission of producing support tools for businesses all over the world. “The great tools for the best businesses”. Our highly qualified programming engineers, with all their passion, are always ready to dedicate themselves to creating the most useful apps for your business and Shopify online store. Keep following our blog to get more helpful business knowledge and top trends daily.
Fordeer: Sales Pop Up ‑ Popups popup tool with many features to promote purchases, create credibility, increase revenue, and power your store. Inspire visitors effect FOMO to boost your conversion rates, generate more sales, and grow trust by showing purchases are being made in real-time and visitor counters. Popups with discounts to grow your email marketing list, retain exit intent and convert leads, fully customizable to match your brand. Fordeer works without a single line of code. Need help? Contact us to set up basic 24/7.