Top International Women’s Day Marketing Tips for eCommerce

Given that there are about four billion women in the world, International Women's Day is a great opportunity for e-commerce businesses to show their appreciation for their current female customers. On March 8th of each year, this day is recognized. Therefore, if you wish to expand your online businesses in the coming weeks, this may be the day with the highest volume of sales you have been hoping for.

You have the power to influence the conversation as an online retailer by using both your marketing strategies and business plan. You're already moving in the right direction if you mention International Women's Day in your communications!

To help you get started increasing your conversion rates for International Women’s Day, check out these great marketing tips with Fordeer. Make sure your customers feel appreciated on this day with special promotions and rewards! Websites that use these techniques will increase their sales and build strong brand awareness.

Top International Women’s Day Marketing Tips for eCommerce

Top marketing tips for eCommerce on International Women’s Day

Develop a spirit of equality and gratitude

International Women's Day is an opportunity to create a respectable brand reputation that promotes equality for women and cuts through all preconceptions. To do this, businesses should create a homepage that evokes pleasant thoughts appropriate for Women's Day and integrate an inspirational story about female empowerment, women's liberties, and gender justice into their offerings.

Develop a spirit of equality and gratitude - Top International Women’s Day Marketing Tips for eCommerce

Additionally, they should produce an International Women's Day newsletter to remind their customers that they value women's rights and gender equity. This will lead to increased interaction and conversion rates.

Feature staff members and women’s stories

Collective effort is necessary to run an online store. Also, International Women's Day is a terrific opportunity to highlight and share the experiences of female employees who work in various divisions within your company.

Feature staff members and women’s stories - Top International Women’s Day Marketing Tips for eCommerce

Did you know that above 8% of CEOs are women, according to a 2022 survey by Chief Executives? For readers and potential employees, sharing success stories of women managers, possibly C-level executives, women in technical departments, and finance will be motivating.

This marketing initiative will improve the perception of your brand and increase the appeal of your business to talented female employees. Furthermore, it is 2023, and there is no denying that women are crucial to the success of businesses.

Remind your customers about the International Women’s Day

Every year on March 8, International Women's Day is observed; nevertheless, many companies fail to use this significant day for their marketing initiatives. We advise eCommerce businesses to execute Women's Day promotions because this day is crucial for developing company image.

Remind your customers about the International Women’s Day
  • Emailing them to notify them of impending International Women's Day;
  • Push notifications and reminders are sent;
  • Adding banners for International Women's Day on your search and landing pages

👉🏻 Using Fordeer, Shopify stores can automate email reminders for International Women's Day with PDF invoice attachments.

As customers approach the checkout, finding additional fees, such as shipping and taxes, is one of the main reasons people leave their carts empty. As many as 80% of prospective buyers fail to complete a transaction across all eCommerce platforms for this and other reasons, according to the data for cart abandonment.

Using pop-ups while a customer is in the store but has stopped interacting is one way to combat cart abandonment. If customers finish within a certain period of time, give them a discount or free shipment.

A follow-up email or message inviting them to complete the sale with a suitable discount can be sent to customers who have abandoned the cart and left the store. Provide free delivery if you can, but be mindful that many customers will spend more than they meant in order to reach the free shipping threshold.

You can utilize automated pop-ups to give discounts to customers who are browsing your business without making a purchase if they do so within, say, a half-hour. Perhaps even a countdown timer with the words "Purchase in 30 minutes and get free shipping."

These are tried-and-true techniques for increasing sales that can be fully automated, along with flash deals that give a discount for a brief period of time.

Create unique gifts and offers

International Women's Day is a major celebration of women, and marketers should consider including little gifts for every order placed by women on March 8. To stand out in an ocean of promotions, marketers should define either a primary or a low-sale item or service that they'd like to increase sales on, and offer a low-cost, low-value good or service in order to stimulate purchase.

Create unique gifts and offers - Top International Women’s Day Marketing Tips for eCommerce

Gift suggestions include cosmetics, cosmetics in exchange for a complimentary cosmetic bag, and a complimentary printed shopping bag with every order. Additionally, gifting is the principal cause purchasers shop during the International Women's Day promotion, and it is also a smart idea to advertise a reward card program to allow the receiver to purchase what they desire instead of receiving something superfluous.

Create the ultimate Women's Day product bundles

Bundled offers are a great approach for attracting customers on International Women's Day. The obvious matches for special Women's Day package discounts can be found among Shopify store targets. Buyers can construct or personalize their own bundles to offer as gifts.

You may provide it for free for a brief period of time if you recently debuted a new product or service. Free samples are most effective when your brand is certain that the product or service it is promoting is exceptional. The onsite customer experience can be improved and conversions can be increased by using pop-up promotions.

Personalize the content for your website and social media pages

To achieve a successful International Women's Day marketing campaign, two things must be prioritized: understanding customers and knowing which individuals are most likely to purchase. The second factor is inventiveness when developing advertising content, which must distinguish the product from other opponents in the industry.

Women now account for a sizable portion of a brand's consumer base, and social media promoting ideas for Women's Day is a hot March search phrase. Long-distance advertising campaigns with audience engagement are prevalent, with an emphasis on boosting user-generated material. The content should be centered on independence, knowledge, and a feeling of making a difference.

Wrap up

International Women's Day is a significant opportunity for e-commerce firms to show up and do good while also being a hidden moneymaker. With a little creativity and a generous heart, you can win over customers and increase your cash stream before the high-season rush.

If you apply the right strategy and plan, your brand's International Women's Day campaign might be the one to inspire others as well. Plan the improvement of your Shopify store before International Women's Day by drawing inspiration from the aforementioned International Women's Day marketing suggestions.

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Fordeer: Invoice Order Printer is a PDF Invoice app on Shopify. There are multiple beautiful templates available for invoices, orders, refunds, and packing slips. You can edit all these templates and print out the document simply. The best thing is a reasonable pricing plan and various amazing features! Be faster, cheaper, and more effective for your brand preferences with Fordeer.